CCRA (Charlton Central Residents’ Association) is a membership led voluntary organisation whose main aims are to make our area (Charlton Central) a safer and friendlier neighbourhood.

There are two types of membership available: Full and Associate.

Full Membership is for those living in the following Charlton roads:

Calydon Road, Coombe Lodge, Delafield Road, Elliscombe Road, Fossdene Road, Frank Burton Close, Gollogly Terrace, Inverine Road, Nadine Street, Sundorne Road, Swallowfield Road, Priolo Road, Wellington Gardens, including Wellesley Close.

Associate Membership are those who support CCRA and/or come to activities or on of our interest groups etc., but do not live in the streets above.

CCRA Membership Fees

  • Family (Full) £12.00
  • Individual (Full) £7.00
  • Individual (Associate) £7.00
  • Individual (Full) On Benefits/Student £5.00
  • Associate on Benefits/Student £5.00

Joining CCRA and Payment

To join, or renew your membership to CCRA, use our online membership form available here, print out our paper form here, or request a paper membership form to be delivered to you from

To pay your membership your choices are:


CCRA’s bank details are:
Bank: Lloyds Bank
A/C Name: Charlton Central Residents’ Association
A/C Sort Code: 30-90-90
A/C Number: 44720768

Amount paying i.e., membership fee

Important – Please put your surname and road as a reference when making a payment


Please place money or cheque in an envelope and write your surname and address on the front then return to CCRA Membership Team 71 Priolo Road, SE77PX.

Your privacy is important to us. To find out more about how we store and use your data visit CCRA Data Protection Policy and CCRA Privacy Notice.

Any queries about Membership please contact Sergey or Wendy at